Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Table drawings 2

Dead boy


Me af

Journal pages


Rock n roll

The climax to the story that gives the Angels and Demons purpose

Wanted&on the run

4/5 of my boyfriends band

Table drawing

Summer shenanigans

Hot beard dude

Keegan aka cyber bully

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ben the fisher man

This piece was another example of me showing off my ability to create realistic work. This piece mainly focused on the minor details like in his eyes and in his individual teeth. The piece is simple yet has a lot of detail to make up for the amount of white space in the piece. 

Zeek Power(s)

This piece is of Zeek Power which is a friend of mine I drew. Using water color I was able to create dark and light shades of grey and black to add the effect i shading on his face around the eyes, nose and mouth. I wanted to make this piece realistic, but with a fluid motion to add to the texture of his skin. All though this is a wip (work in progress) it shows the progress I've taking on this piece. 


Ty-Jo is a singer/song writer and it was favorited by the actual Tyler Joesph on Twitter. The piece utilized the mediums of acrylic and water color paints to capture the emotions in his facial expression. To make the piece more abstract I copied and layered his face multiple times to add some creative depth to the piece. I personally believe the piece to be weird and sick-as-frick (amazing.) It allowed me to challenge myself with having to recreate Tyler's face many times and have them look as similar to one another as possible. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ben and Ivy

I drew this picture for my boyfriend for our anniversary. I used mechanical pencil as my medium. I used value and space and shape and depth to create this. Here is my reference picture: 
I love how this turned out. He really liked it as well. 
If I were to redo this I would do it on different paper. 

Pop art lips

I did this piece after looking at a pop art piece similar to this. I used colored pencils. I didn't like how this turned out to be honest. The colors didn't go on as nice as I wanted. Next time I will use better quality pencils. 

Insta series

In this sketch book is a series of portraits.  Many elements of art were used throughout. Line, color, value and shape all create emotions. All of these pieces incooperate emphasis on the subject - taking up most space. A sense of proportion in all the realism is what I used to create these pieces. The pattern of this sketch book is a pop of color